Goodbye 2023

Part of me thinks I should say I’m going to miss this last year…but I’m not. 2023 was a year of learning, learning what I really needed in my life and what I wanted. It was a year of learning just how strong I really was. And it was a year of loss.

2023 started off great, I had my to do lists made and I was rocking it with no regrets. The changes I was making were good ones. Health, work, family and dreams.

You know how the universe has a way of laughing when you think you have it all figured out?

First, I lost my beloved Maltese, Maggie. It came out of nowhere, her getting sick and in a matter of a few days and in the middle of a snowstorm, I had to make that horrible decision no one ever wants to make. I still feel the loss of her now and it’s going on a year soon. Then my father, who is the man in my life who can do it all, had a stroke. How I remained calm while calling the ambulance, dealing with doctors and my mom, and trying to reassure him everything would be fine, I’ll never know. I wanted to curl up in a ball and scream NO, this can’t be happening. Let’s just say life changed really fast and recuperations are going to take a while. I am so thankful every single day for my brother and the healing power of God.

Six weeks later, I was on my way to get my dad for a medical appointment when I was rear ended. The other driver was going around 70mph so it wasn’t a minor fender bender. As one of my clients told me, I was unrecognizable for a while and I now have quite the collection of jumbo size large sunglasses.

Life can change in an instant and it surely did. The road to recovery has been long and complicated and I would not wish this on anyone. It took months for me to be able to read a book much less write the series I had started in the spring. I’ve just now gotten back on a writing schedule. I have a few more possible surgeries sometime in the future. The doctor joked that when they break my nose, I won’t be awake this time.

What I am looking toward to in 2024 is the little things. Being able to stay awake long enough to finish a chapter or two, a happy hour with friends, paddle boarding, yoga, being able to close my eyes and walk without falling over. I want to spend more time with family and friends and less time worrying about tomorrow. I started planning a few vacations, the relaxing kind, and while I’m still working, I’m working less than I have in the past.

We juggle the five balls in life every day- work, family, friends, health and integrity. Some of those balls bounce and others can shatter. In the fraction of a second it took me turn the steering wheel when I realized I was about to get hit, I lived instead of being accordioned between two vehicles. I want life to matter and I don’t want to waste time with the things that don’t. Life can be short and it can change in an instant. Don’t let it just slip through your fingers. Live it and live it your way.

Happy 2024

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